Hello, Good Soul!

My name is Rachele (Ray•chell) Rose (she/her) and I am an Adaptable Yoga Teacher, Intuitive Energy Healing Practitioner, and Graphic & Web Designer with a deep passion for supporting folx on cultivating well-being and freedom in their body and mind.

I created Rose Gold Energy in 2018 with a mission to provide equitable, inclusive, and heart-centered healing practices. As a queer, cis-gender, and body positive woman, I am acutely aware of the inequities underrepresented groups experience. I am committed to using my privilege to support and uplift all folx, especially LGBTQIA2S+, BIPOC, and the Body Positive community.

My creativity was expressed through graphic design, web design, marketing, and communications for 18 years, but then I started to experience a significant decline in my mental and physical health, and I realized I needed a change. I embarked on a healing journey through alternative and intuitive wellness practices (yoga, meditation, energy healing, etc). I appreciate these experiences because they showed me the value of balancing my mind and body, and they led me to the meaningful and humble path of heart-centered collective care.

While I continue to express my creativity through graphic and web design part-time, my main passion is to help people achieve well-being and freedom in their body and mind by offering yoga, meditation, Reiki, Pranic Healing, mindfulness, and overall wellness support.

With love and gratitude,

Rachele Rose Website Signature Font


“As a queer, cis-gender woman, I strive to create sustainable solutions. My work is heart-centered and soulful. I am deeply passionate about embracing liberation as a core value within my work. I care wholeheartedly about social justice, equity, and inclusion. I am always open to learning, unlearning, deepening my understanding, listening, adapting, and taking action. I’m not afraid to admit that I don’t know all of the answers, but I do know that my purpose is to make meaningful progress and I believe that a better world requires consistent and focused action. Instead of putting myself in a box, I try to utilize my privilege, expertise, and resources to support, uplift, and amplify diverse voices.”

- Rachele Rose

Degrees and Certifications

Yoga Teacher (RYT-200) Certification
Yoga Alliance, Namaste Yoga

Yoga for All Certified Instructor
Yoga for All Training

Restorative Yoga Certification
Namaste Yoga Center

Trauma-Informed Yoga Certification
My Vinyasa Practice

Reiki Master Certification
Beaumont Integrated Medicine

Pranic Healing Certification
The Pranic Healing Institute for Inner Studies

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Communication/Graphic Design
College for Creative Studies

Branding and Logo

Rose Gold Energy Logo

As I was embarking on creating a heart-centered healing practice in 2018, my wife suggested calling it Rose Gold Energy - a fusion of our last name (Rose), the color of divine energy (gold), and a play on rose gold alloy (a combination of gold and copper). Needless to say, the name was perfect!

The colors in the logo are reflective of the 7 main Chakras and the rainbow. The heart signifies love for all of humanity.

Check out our Instagram @love_at_the_intersection to learn more about our journey!